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Why swimming is an excellent physical activity

Georgios Labropoulos

George works as a teacher in public technical education. He is a graduate of the Pedagogical Department of the University of Athens, specializing in Electronic Engineering. At the same time, he is the father of a child and has excellent knowledge of English and Italian. In his free time, he is involved in sports, photography and cinema. In addition, he loves traveling and shows a special interest in the culture of other peoples.

A swimming class of kids and pre-teens poses for a group photo inside the pool, with their swimming caps on
Parents want the best for their children and are always looking for the right activities and sports to enroll their little ones in.

Swimming is very often described by many doctors and educators as an ideal sport that greatly affects the state of both physical and mental health and physical development of children and young people. At the same time, it can cause little to no injuries and does not strain the musculoskeletal system during a child's development, while exercising the whole body and cardiovascular system.

Children are born with a natural predisposition to water. The sooner they come into contact with it, the easier they will learn to swim and feel comfortable in the water. Experts believe that the ideal age for a child to start learning to swim is 3.5 to 4 years old, so that they are able to understand the instructions given by their teacher. Of course, there are also swimming lessons for babies and mothers for children from 3 months and older under the guidance of experienced and trained swimming coaches.

Important benefits that children can gain through swimming

Physical benefits
Improves the cardiorespiratory system

Swimming mainly affects the functioning of the heart, circulatory and respiratory systems of the body not only in children but also in adults. Water pressure and resistance during swimming have a particular effect on the heart, lungs and circulatory system.

Swimming has also been shown to have beneficial effects on the development of children with bronchial asthma by helping them to gain better control of the disease. The inhaled air is saturated with water vapour and heat, thus blunting bronchospasms, while strengthening the lungs and respiratory muscles results in a reduction of asthma symptoms.

Strengthens the spine

Swimming movements bring the body into an almost horizontal and stretched position in the water. We have movement throughout the body and especially in the arms performed in rhythmic alternations, which ideally strengthens our arms and has a positive effect on spinal mobility. For this reason, swimming is also recommended by pediatricians and orthopedists as a preventive and therapeutic tool against postural problems or weaknesses.

Strengthens the muscles

Swimming requires coordination of the muscles of the whole body, while water creates more resistance, so we have to work harder and our muscles become stronger.

Prevents drowning

Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in children! The most effective way to avoid the risk of drowning is to learn to swim. Not only knowing how to swim, but also being comfortable and behaving properly in the water.


Swimming and water exercise, when accompanied by good stretches, can greatly improve a person's flexibility.


The body's defences of children are increased. Children who swim regularly do not get sick easily, especially in winter. The chances of catching a flu or a virus are greatly reduced.

Children develop healthy habits

Swimming, like all sports, offers them a new way of life. Through swimming, children learn to live healthy habits and have a more positive mindset when faced with challenges. Throughout the years, from adolescence to adulthood, regular swimming will prove to be a complete exercise that guarantees an active, healthy lifestyle and prevents the risks of a sedentary lifestyle.

Mental benefits
Stress relief

Contact with water is very beneficial and helps to relax the body and mind. Immersion in water and concentration on swimming technique both create a relaxing state of meditation in the liquid element. This is why swimming is often used as a therapeutic tool for children with sensory disorders or autism.

Goal setting

Children learn techniques and with repetition practice patience, perseverance and imagination on how to achieve their goal.

They learn about preparation

The child athlete learns the difference between effort and skill. Self-discipline and awareness of the importance of good preparation develop as children notice improvements in their performance. They learn from their mistakes and learn to accept constructive criticism more easily as a tool for progress. They develop a sense of fairness and self-confidence that is not based on ego.

Sense of identity

Being part of the whole is very important to children. Saying "I am a swimmer" carries more weight for identity and self-image than simply saying "I swim".

Time management

Young swimmers know that they need to complete their lessons, get a good night's sleep and have fun. So they learn how to be organised and plan ahead. Children also learn the importance of making sacrifices in order to gain something. Training teaches them that they have to fight to get what they want as a result of hard training.

Confidence and independence

It boosts their confidence and self-esteem and promotes independence.

They overcome their fear of water

Many children develop a fear of water. This fear needs to be eliminated at an early age, otherwise it can develop into a phobia later on. Swimming should be part of a child's life from an early age to build their confidence in the water.

Cognitive skills

It increases intelligence and generally improves children's cognitive abilities and cognitive functions such as perception, concentration and attention. It promotes fair play and fosters sportsmanship.

Social benefits

Swimming gives the child the opportunity to belong to a new and special group. A second family that protects and guides them along safe paths, away from the dangers of society (drugs, alcohol, "bad company").

New friendships

Friendships formed in swimming lessons, as in all sports, last a lifetime and are built on solid foundations. Friendships formed in swimming lessons last because they are based on shared hard work and, most importantly, a love of the sport. They also learn to be part of a team and have a team spirit.


The child comes into contact with children from different social backgrounds, but also from different nationalities, cultures and ideas.

Swimming is an excellent form of exercise for children of all ages, even toddlers, as it strengthens their immune system and contributes to their physical development. Of course, if done in an organized swimming pool, where hygiene and water purification conditions are applied, it is safe even for babies. The pool is suitable for all children and there are no barriers. The only case in which the child should not start or continue swimming is when there is a skin disease. Once cured he can return to his normal water sports activities, according to the doctor's recommendations.

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