Museums contribute in many ways to the integrated development of children, but how is this achieved?
Why is it so important for families with children to visit museums and why are they such an endless source of stimulation and knowledge for young and old alike?
Museums are places that enlighten and educate all curious minds. The truth is that Greece is a country that, apart from countless museums, which contain rich and important historical treasures, is full of numerous important places. Now that school is over, we all have a great opportunity to visit these places, either in our city or in the cities we will travel to. After all, it helps our children greatly.
Museums and historical sites introduce them to unknown worlds, spark their imagination and provide valuable learning experiences. At the same time, our youngsters broaden their intellectual horizons and this experience also helps to provide knowledge in all areas of life. More specifically:
Encourage the "love" of history
Museums and historical sites act as caretakers and "keepers" of history and offer children greater connection and references to knowledge than a traditional classroom offers. By visiting a museum, any museum or historical site, a child comes into direct contact with history. He walks the same streets that people walked hundreds of years ago, he sees the statues sculpted in detail, and the images, and the general stimuli, act as catalysts in the assimilation of knowledge. This experience can make them greatly cherish the value of historical knowledge. It is equally important, even if you don't know all the historical details, to encourage them to ask questions. Use the detailed signs to provide as many answers as you can. Don't hesitate if you don't know something, ask the people who work there. They will almost certainly be happy to help you.
Museums promote experiential learning
As mentioned earlier, these spaces, as informal learning environments, are resources that promote informal learning. That is, the process through which children acquire values, knowledge and skills experientially. From archaeological museums, museums made especially for children, science museums, natural history museums, folklore museums and so much more. Young visitors absorb knowledge that will stay with them for the rest of their lives as their young minds are deeply impressed. Even a single visit to a museum can make a significant contribution to both learning and a child's desire to seek to repeat this experiential learning experience.
They develop their critical thinking
One of the greatest benefits of visiting a museum is that it gives visitors the opportunity to analyze, compare different exhibits and identify what information is important. As the variety of exhibits gives the opportunity to compare and also identify the contrasts between them. What a great opportunity to develop children's critical thinking skills.
"Ask" questions
Museums and historical sites are places that "awaken" children's curious minds and encourage them to ask questions. Questions that can either be answered immediately or require a lot of thought to solve. Either way, this goes a long way to giving them the confidence they need and also triggers the 'search mechanism' to find the answers to their questions on their own.
They inspire young and old alike
These spaces have a unique quality of awe-inspiring their visitors with the grandeur and volume of stimuli they offer. While they greatly stimulate the creative minds of children. They encourage them to dream, wonder and imagine by offering numerous stimuli to do their own artistic activities.
Museums for Kids Around Zurich
Swiss Museum of Transport
Swiss Science Center Technorama
Gameorama Lucerne's interactive game museum
North America Native Museum
The Mühlerama Museum
The Zoological and Paleontological Museums of the University of Zurich
WOW Museum Room of Illusions
National Museum of Zurich