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Sleep routines for children of all ages

Georgios Labropoulos

George works as a teacher in public technical education. He is a graduate of the Pedagogical Department of the University of Athens, specializing in Electronic Engineering. At the same time, he is the father of a child and has excellent knowledge of English and Italian. In his free time, he is involved in sports, photography and cinema. In addition, he loves traveling and shows a special interest in the culture of other peoples.

Two schoolgirls in matching checked white and red long pyjamas sleeping with their mouths open on a white fluffy carpet.

That’s why all parents want to do their best when it comes to establishing healthy sleep habits for their precious little ones.


Babies need a sleep routine from the moment they’re born.

This way they can start to distinguish between day and night. A relaxing sleep routine is a great opportunity for quality time with your baby, but remember that you’ll be doing this for quite some time, so try to keep it simple. The routine could consist of a few steps like feeding, a warm bath and massage, singing a lullaby, and putting them to sleep with a goodnight kiss. Be sure to create a calm atmosphere by dimming the lights in the room. It may be helpful to maintain a similar routine as your baby gets older.


Toddlers will also need a bedtime routine, and you’ll need to be strict about it for it to work.

You’ll need to be very consistent about the start time and the end time (you can even use a clock and show your child that it’s time), because separation anxiety can make it hard for your child to let you go. Try to avoid screens before bed and keep the lights in the room low. Start after dinner with a bath, brush your teeth together, read a book, and say goodnight with a few hugs and kisses.

Preschool and School-Age Children

Children at this age can have a say in what their bedtime routine consists of.

After they go to the bathroom, take a warm bath, and brush their teeth, they can choose their favorite book and ask you to read it to them, or you can both talk about how your day went. Remember that to relax you need to create a relaxing environment, and tidying up the room will help in this direction. Also try to avoid too much excitement and stimulation before bed, such as very loud and fun toys, as these can make it difficult to fall asleep. Instead, try calmer activities that will help your children relax, such as reading.

Older children and teenagers

Older children and teenagers may not need help to fall asleep.

If they do, however, some relaxing things that will help them relax are

  • taking a bath

  • listening to music or

  • reading a book.

Also remember to spend some time together before turning off the lights and setting the alarm for the morning wake-up time.

Special occasions

Some days are more stressful than others and sometimes our children, like us, go through difficult times.

In such cases we need to show empathy, listen to them and hug them a little more or help them get through it with relaxation techniques that adults use, such as thinking about things that calm us or even trying guided meditation to help them fall asleep.

These are just a few ideas! Every parent knows what works best for their children, so try to establish your own bedtime routine for your children and stick to it for best results.

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