Redecorating your child’s bedroom.
5 Ideas to make practical changes at home.
Changing times, seasons and global epidemics inspire families to redecorate or improve the functionality of their house.
To make it cosier and more optimal for everyday life.
Children’s bedrooms are the most common rooms to change and that’s because our children change. They outgrow old habits as they develop, their needs change and they like different things. This is a wonderful process we can all benefit from by helping them and working together as a family.
Children grow up really fast and need different things during each phase of their life. A change in their bedroom style and layout can be really useful. Let your children get involved in the process and, depending on their age, let them assist you. This will teach them new skills like how to use different tools around the house safely and how to measure things in real life but it will also help them appreciate their personal space more because it will be them designing their new space.
Here are some great ideas on how to give a fresh look on your children's bedroom:
Painting the walls together
Painting the walls of a room can really change the way it looks and give a fresh vibe to the whole space. When deciding the colors you’ll use don’t forget to take your children’s preferences into account. It is their room after all. You can visit the paint store to check out all the different possibilities and buy the supplies like brushes etc together. After painting the walls with a main color you can let your children create some art or graffiti on them or even paint a wall with blackboard paint that they can wipe and draw again every time.
Wall stickers
If you don’t want to repaint your child’s room but still like to give a new look to the space you can always go for a large wall sticker. There are many different themed wall stickers you can choose from picturing the globe, trains, space, the jungle etc. Pick one out with your child and order it online in the dimensions you like!
Painting old furniture
Painting an old piece of furniture and repurposing it can be so much fun! You can make your own lego table out of an old coffee table or a kids wardrobe from an old dresser. Did you know you could turn your baby’s crib into a nice activity desk? There are a lot of great ideas you can work with if you have some tools, some paint and a lot of imagination!
Framing arts and crafts
There is no need to buy art for your child’s bedroom when you have a young artist in the house. Collect your favorite paintings and crafts, frame them and hang them on display. You can also create an art display area on a wall where your children can hang the art work they like and change it from time to time using a rope, a curtain rod with some hooks or a magnetic frame.
Redecorating your child’s bedroom can be a challenging but also fun activity especially when you do it all together. So let the fun begin!