The Best Trampoline Parks around Zurich
Our list with the best ideas for a rainy afternoon and the next birthday party!
The wonderful part of school is that kids and teens reconnect with friends and begin making plans about what they will do after-school, on the weekend and on their birthday.
We made a list of the the best Trampoline parks kids can enjoy on a weekend, during a free day or to celebrate their birthday party.
As parents we are often called to find new places for kids that are fun, educational, safe, not too far, with parking and serve coffee, so that everyone can be happy for a few hours.
On this note, there has never been two seasons more popular than autumn and winter for trampoline parks and in-door high adrenaline activities. Throw-in the excitement or anxiety that follows the beginning of school, and its the perfect outing for rainy weekends and spontaneous afternoons with lots of energy and no plans. Trampolines are fun for most children and teens especially since the rain and cold weather dampens the appetite for many outdoor activities in the city, especially since the wait for the the ski season seems long. Jumping around in a safe environment offers a great release of energy. Mental and physical exercise in a fun way is ideal for for energetic toddlers, school-aged kids and hormonally charged teenagers. We listed a number of venues that are in high demand on Momizen and offer birthday packages where kids and parents can enjoy a care-free birthday party, leaving more time to make fun memories together. Birthday parties at trampoline venues are especially fun for school children, pre-teens and teens who like to test their limits and enjoy the adrenaline that comes with new challenges. For more birthday party ideas around Zurich, which cater to all ages and preferences check here) Check-out our list of the most popular trampoline parks around Zurich and be prepared next time you need to come up with things to do during a slow afternoon or Sunday morning.
6+ Years old, Teens and Adults
1+ Years old, Teens and Adults
Bounce Lab Trampolinehalle Rüti
For Indoor Playgrounds with trampolines for kids of 0+ years old
Spielzänti Kinderwelt - Zentrum Volketswil
First Day of School Jitters
The beginning of the school year doesn't need to cause anxiety, to kids and many parents alike.
The fear of the unknown brings the sweats in all of us, I know because every first day of school I find myself pushing down my own jitters, while re-assuring my children that its gonna be great.
You can sugar-coat the pill however with preparation and good-old-fashion distraction.
Preparation helps kids visualise the big day.
Talking with kids about topics such as who will be in the class, or where the class is located the school grounds, if the teacher is new and where is she coming from, etc, can help kids create their own map of where they stand throughout their first day, and therefore managing expectations.
When it was time for my children start the first grade, their kindergarten teacher ceremoniously walked the class to the local school for a meet-and-greet with their first grade teacher, the previous spring. By experiencing the new environment and what the class-setting will look like, the kids know what to expect and fear of the unknown is minimised. How amazing is that? The joys of living in Switzerland.
The Art of Distraction
Distraction on the other hand is a life-saver for moments where reason eludes young and excited minds, and fear unfortunately tries to take over.
When all else fails, its helpful to have stock of things that can distract children from their stress-causing focus, like the novelty of a personalised stationary set, a new eraser, or markers that are also necessary in the school bag. We created the list where kids and teens will find their unique classroom materials while being stocked up for the year to come. They are all available online for ordering in Switzerland!
Get the full curated list for kids and teens here!
Ideas to connect with Nature in Switzerland
Switzerland is ideal to introduce your children to activities in nature.
The mountains are stimulating and challenging all year round, and it is never too late to start exploring them.
The natural beauty and accessibility of the Swiss Alps make it easier to convince reluctant pre-teens and teens to join you for family time, even if you need to lure them with the instagram-friendly imagery. Melinda Taylor Schoutens mother of two, an educator and co-author of the book series, Fresh Air Kids Switzerland, has personally witnessed the power of nature immersion on her own children and shares what triggered her to follow this path while she speaks about the specific benefits of being outdoors. Read about her family's journey here.
For those that want to make a weekend trip of it, there are various mountain huts around the Swiss Alps already tested by Fresh Air Kids, that cater to the intrepid souls that are brave enough to trail the entire family along.
As the weather can be tricky, be sure to prepare the whole family with the right clothes and shoes. We created a list of the different types of hiking boots that cater to each terrain, so that your outdoor experience can be as fun as possible.
Here are our favorite educational and fun ideas on how to enjoy nice weather with kids, around Zurich
0 – 6 Years old
4+ Years old
5+ Years old