The museum features both permanent and special exhibitions, offering insights into scientific and cultural history. The adventure path provides an interactive opportunity to explore the functions of the human body and learn about early human history in an engaging, playful manner. The permanent exhibition "Where we come from" showcases from the Big Bang to the earliest fossils, tracing the evolution from fish, amphibians, and reptiles to birds, mammals, and eventually humans. The temporary exhibition is “Experience Room Stone Age” and Uncover how our ancestors lived and worked. Also, there are a lot of events like the Riddle course «True or False?», Time travel through our lives, Fossil Casting and Time Travel Evolution.
The Kulturama Museum of Mankind contains :
Permanent exhibitions : "Where we come from" this journey through time takes you back to human prehistory and even further to the origins of life and the formation of the Earth, "Who we are" you are now embarking on a new journey through time that lasts up to 100 years,
Temporary exhibitions : “Experience Room Stone Age” step into the interactive Stone Age experience room to explore how our ancestors lived and worked. Here, you can engage directly and try your hand at the craftsmanship of that period,
Events : Riddle course «True or False?» on 05.10.2024, Time travel through our lives on 16.10.2024, Fossil Casting on 20.11.2024, Time Travel Evolution on 27.11.2024.